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October 22, 2007



Not bad. Number 6 is clearly be sarcastic.

Eric Monse

Yeah, number 6 is sarcasm. Making fun of crazy anti-choice people. - Eric Monse


The guy on the right in #10 looks like he's gagging on the stick up his ass.


Thats weird, because there is no # 10.


Number 7, with the rabbit, I've seen that guy in NYC, the chelsea district. He's actually in front of the Luhring-Augustine gallery I believe.


Number 7, with the rabbit, I've seen that guy in NYC, the chelsea district. He's actually in front of the Luhring-Augustine gallery I believe.


@Eric -

10th sign that you need a shrink... thinking there is a #10


@Eric -

10th sign that you need a shrink... thinking there is a #10

Psychotic APES

The first one is just stupid. Just because the guy is for animal rights - oh yes he must be crazy. Human superiority complex...


Ha ha! Jesus is stupid!

to seth

No, he's crazy because *vegetables are grown in shit*.

Soda Pop

Wow, you are so full of hate.

Hagbar Celine

i dont know that the guy in #1 is an animal rights activist, hes just pointing out that with our current factory meat production techniques there is a fairly large amount of fecal matter in our meat....especially chicken... after flaying the guts out of the chickens that usually burst and cover not olny the current bird but others on the line in feces, they then bathe the birds in a fecal soup, ya know that up to ??% water wieght, or 'solution' etc? yeah...thats liquid chicken poop.. enjoy your meat :)


#5 was photoshop'd. Check out http://fitsnews.com/2007/04/ middle of page.

about  J&B

#6 is classic television. try J&B on the Rox from Bloomington IN and get ready to laugh harder.

about  J&B

#6 is classic television. try J&B on the Rox from Bloomington IN and get ready to laugh harder.


#9 is horribly photoshopped, fake.


@Hagbar Celine - #5 is not photoshopped, and your provided link confirms that it is genuine. It's one of many offensively violent placards that were on display at a certain demonstration, in response to a Danish newspaper which published some 'blasphemous' cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.

The Brizzle

Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm gets wasted, God gets quite irate.


Menstruation is murder? Lock up my girlfriend!! She'll be trying to kill me next, the murderous savage!


The two guys in the last photo look like flaming homosexuals.

Ubangi Gonzolas

Christians scare the hell out of me. They have been on a rampage killing for over 2000 years and I see no end in sight. I see little difference from the Christian extremists and the Islamic extremists.


I like chicken poop flavored chicken.


your comments are interesting, some sound like they need shrrinks though,. so angry.


Sadly # 1 is actually true! Ever visited a meat packing plant?

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