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November 28, 2007



Those are some very unsettling photos. I just do not understand the handbag and how any one could make a play thing for kids that looks like those!


I can not even BEGIN to fathom the mind that would come up with #4.


Just for the record: Colon Cleaner is actually really good - nice and spicy with a hint of citrus ;-)

All the rest of that crap is pretty twisted though.

James Chase

The handbags are made by an Argentinian artist, they are made from molds of real people.


okay . . . did ya' notice (if you enlarge the picture) that #4, on the dude's arm, that it's a DUDE's ass . . . whoa. And also if you enlarge #6-B, you'll see Wendy Sphincter's secret flavoring agent - the look on the dog's face - lol.


oops, it's a cat - Anus the anal Angora


#4 is my husband!! I'm thrilled he's getting famous through his offensive tattoos...and gypsylor, you are indeed correct, it's a dude's ass...my man pointed it out to me with pride "See honey? There's the ball!"


HEHE It is strange for me to keep seeing my tattoo online. It still has some dignity... with the blanket and all.

From the book "Images of Medicine". Live it, learn it, love it.

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