Whad'ya get when you cross today's celebrity-obsessed culture with Dan Ackroyd's classic SNL shtick Super Bass-o-matic 76? SUPER CELEB-O-MATIC 07!
Of course, it's a stretch; we just needed an excuse to revisit the theme from our previous feature [Who] Do You Get When You Cross...? and liked the analogy. Let's begin.
1. Who do you get when you cross Drew Carey, Donal Logue and Chris Farley?
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
(Photo by Dogseat).
2. Gwen Stefani, Tim Curry and Beetlejuice?
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
(Photo by G_Lawler).
!3. Spiderman, Wilford Brimley and Ben Kingsley?
Does whatever a spider can?
(Photo by Lasse Skovgaard).
4. Jed Clampett, Burt Young and Ed Grimley?
I am not an animal!
(Photo by NYCArthur).
5. Victoria Beckham, Bill Maher and Nacho Libre?
(Photo by Yogurinha Borova).
6. Jack Nicholson, Ben Affleck and ZZ Top's Dusty Hill?
Say 'hello' to my little friend!
(Photo by =MandyNickel=).
7. Jennifer Love Hewitt and Scott Wilson?
My eeyyeess!!
(Photo by Jilicious).
Classic stuff!! Very creative..
Posted by: asskicknchicken | December 18, 2007 at 06:30 PM
O.M.G. The last one made me laugh..and then puke. it was that awful!! AWFUL!!!
Posted by: Kitzie | December 20, 2007 at 10:14 AM
holy christ that's nasty stuff
Posted by: wiley pics | February 26, 2008 at 08:30 PM
That Gwen Stefani, Tim Curry and Beetlejuice one had me pissing my pants with laughter. . .
Or incontinence. . .
Posted by: Fetus | May 29, 2008 at 07:14 AM
mas acham que esta porcaria koisa é d estar aki !!!!!
voces Deviam era ter vergonha!!
Posted by: revoltaDaAAAA | November 06, 2009 at 03:36 PM