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February 19, 2008



This is in sylvania across from Central Elementary! OMG awesome!!


I can do a Barney farting into a trumpet. with condoms. at your party.


Holy crap! That's in my little town of Sylvania! It was near the intersection of Central Ave. and King but it got taken down. My friend's sister's friend's dad was the "gorilla playing saxophone!"


with balloons!!


Well shit, sure you can hire a clown or a magician for your kids birthday party but you can't beat the udder randomness of a gorilla playing a saxophone with balloons. Thats got to be one hell of a party.


They've got a saxophone that plays a gorilla? That's freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!


What about a walrus?


Television Walrus

Well the idea sounds hilarious, but I just hope it's not a real gorilla (hopefully just a person in a gorilla suit).

Mike Osswald

The business is actually called "Helium Surprise-Gorilla Playing Saxophone" - now I'm TOTALLY in for a Helium Surprise...



haha funny


Haha, I recognized this as soon as I saw it. Count me as yet another Toledoan who is amazed to see this small local oddity made the front page of Digg!

- Tate

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