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February 23, 2008



Actually, I'd say Obama has a lot in common with the Antichrist. He's an unknown guy with with unknown views but he is beloved by all for being a smooth talker. The Antichrist supposed to be seen as a great peacemaker by most of the world. Funny how his "real" father was absent for much of his life. Even his name is close to 666 with 6,7,5 letters in his full name. I'm not religious but he creeps me out because nobody can question him without getting labeled as a racist. His running mate may end up being, Hillary "The Whore of Babylon" Clinton. She is a whore for power and Babylon was located in Iraq where both of them want to end the war to boost their power and popularity among the unquestioning masses placated with free health care. They have virtually no differences in views and the Republicans will probably lose big time in 2008 so there will be no real opposition to the White House. Oh yeah, the average age of a Supreme Court justice is 67, so most of them will be replaced in 8 years so they can't stop him either. The point is the Antichrist is supposed to appear as great guy. If he was easily seen as evil, nobody would follow him.

David Claiborne

To all the idiots who think Obama is the antichrist: The antichrist doesn't show up until after the rapture... so, if Obama is the antichrist, that means all the true christians have already gone to heaven and you've been left behind by your precious god.

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The antichrist will show his intentions before the rapture, so anyone will know that he is the antichrist, if in fact he is.

Alpes du Sud

Obama = antichrist.... there is more important things in the world to think.... .

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To all the idiots who think Obama is the antichrist: The antichrist doesn't show up until after the rapture... so, if Obama is the antichrist, that means all the true christians have already gone to heaven and you've been left behind by your precious god.

 God: Satan or Alien

Who do you think wrote all of the world's religions? Spawns of Satan! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NYhSSSfiqw

I wouldn't trust ANY of these people!

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