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February 18, 2008



Can't believe Dr. Benjamin Dover isn't on this list. He's a proctologist or something similar out of orange county/los angeles. look him up!


There's a Realtor in Phoenix, AZ called Gary Swallows. He runs advertisements in the movie theatres, and everyone chuckles when they see his name in big letters...


There are always signs in GA to elect Pat Head, makes me laugh everytime


There's also the author Harry Wong.



Dick Swett...the congressman from NH.


Mike Hunt?


Richard (Dick) Tapper is a urologist in Ohio.


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In the same area that Robin Rape has posted elections signs, we also had a lady named Jackie Moff running for an office, as well as, a sheriff candidate named Joe King.

really, I am not Jo-king.


I still have an old 're elect jackie moff' bumper sticker.

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