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March 11, 2008



I don't think anything, ANYTHING, will haunt my dreams more than "Clam Jerky".


Not even bull semen pills?


I am probably going to be remembering that retard capsule for a long time.

.. and ... bull semen pills?


Well.pretty much have my X-Mas shopping done now. The sheep, gum,jerky,capsules and of course the disposable gas neutrailizers!


Eeww... Pickle juice popsicles?? Talk about a nitch market!

Greg Fishbone

Pocari Sweat is good stuff, but the Japanese beverage I miss most is Post Water, which "rapidly moistens your body and gently softens your soul."


bull semen pills ... why get the pills when you can get it straight from the source ...


You can get monkey butt if you sit in front of your computer for too long. I have a whole closet full of Anti-Monkey Butt.


what about bitch spray? to get rid of bitches.



Those bull semen capsules aren't suppositories, are they?


Wha'ts even funnier, that much dextromethorphan *will* make me retarded for 8 hours...

Defender the Great

I've grown up with Neese's Liver Pudding. It's actually really good. Certainly nothing to be categorized with Gorilla Snot!


I actually have Neese's Liver Pudding in my refrigerator right now! I grew up eating it and it's really quite tasty although I admit it doesn't sound like it would be.


I actually have Neese's Liver Pudding in my refrigerator right now! I grew up eating it and it's really quite tasty although I admit it doesn't sound like it would be.


bull semen pills?!!
oh...c'mon! :-)

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