1. The Rastafarians have a way with words.
(Photo by anthonyturducken).
2. Of course the Lutherans are more staid about matters.
(Photo by .ian).
3. When it comes to dog 'fouling', don't fu@k with the British.
(Photo by tolk).
4. Case in point: I hate stepping in it as much as anyone else, but a CCTV?
(Photo by Heather L).
5. What did we tell you about the Rastafarians?
(Photo by anthonyturducken).
6. Let me guess: New York City?
7. Here's an idea: "Still picking up poop...Bought a big gun...Hope to get less poop."
(Photo by anthonyturducken).
8. Ah, the Southern approach: always a bit more frightening and, therefore, effective.
(Photo by brzy40_2000).
9. When all else fails, play the kid card.
(Photo by mojosmom).
10. And, of course, where would any feces-themed feature be without Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo?
(Photo by anthonyturducken).
#3 Twenty pounds of poo might be more of a deterrent than £20
Posted by: Bert | March 28, 2008 at 06:26 PM
In Australia they attempted to 'curb' the problem organicly, selling dung beetles which could be put on the poop - the dung beatles roll away the poop and are indigenous to Australia, thereby cleaning it up without the owner having to do anything.
Posted by: Internet TV | March 29, 2008 at 11:22 AM
I saw one sign, from a very irrate neigbour.
"If you leave your dog's poop for me to pick up, I will come outside and throw it at you."
Posted by: Mallory | April 03, 2008 at 04:43 PM
I saw a sign that said "Please don't curb you dog here" (a double negative - so you should let your dog poop there)
It was on a church lawn!
I think they need grammar help.
Posted by: emma | July 14, 2009 at 09:28 AM
HAHA brilliant. especially the brit one.
Posted by: dog insurance | January 07, 2010 at 07:39 AM