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March 06, 2008


Jimmy L

I'd hit it...

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LSD is the best thing you can put in your body.


Shes hot. nice.
Hilarious - http://www.loonybun.com

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lol, College life is awesome! :D

the english kid

is anyone else wondering how she wrote it so neatly... on her back?

Maybe she was out cold and doesn't even know it's there


do you people not realize what burning man is or something

Prepaid telefoons

That's some sick shit... :|

Mount crunksuvious

re: squenix

I do! I do!....It's a gathering of idiots that should be napalmed!!!


LSD is a good thing to do.

How...does this have anything tod o with college? burning man isn't related to college at all!


Wait, you mean you guys haven't done this before?

Brother Mnk

Drop acid not bombs!

Sorry there, pinky, but good doses are hard to find these days...


LSD was a great drug in the early 90's. Who says that chick is in college? I've seen seniors in HS that look like that walking down the street. Well anyway, hopefully she is in college cause as they say, 'theres a time and a place for everything, and that's college!'


I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes.

lord kook

is that college or burning man? i see what looks suspiciously like playa dust. if the latter is the case, than attractive girls with solicitations for acid on their backs are the LEAST of your worries.


Most college students cant go to Burning Man. It conflicts with the first week of school nearly everywhere, and you must attend that week because it is a "drop period". No attendence = dropped from class

Burning Man isnt Spring Break...so whatever you possibly *think* it it, you're wrong


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Heheheh, of course it was at Burning Man. :D I need to make it out there sometime... Woodstock '99 was the only event of the sort that I made it too and that was a blast... Saw similar things there :D

Gotta go to black rock city some day though :)

Dave Nofmeister

What on earth is Burning Man anyway? Anyone care to enlighten me?


haha good luck getting that sharpie off before you leave the festival sweetie


i don't get what burning man is, i even looked on their website... please inform!!!! and who doesn't love pink dreads?!?!

Bob Bitchen

lol am i the only one who noticed she is sitting there topless.. sigh...dorks... that guy in the background staring at her tits sure did.


Is it untrue that LSD was developed by a government organization with aspirations of mind control techniques development?


is an eight-day annual event that takes place in Black Rock City, a temporary city on the playa of the Black Rock Desert in the U.S. state of Nevada, 90 miles (150 km) north-northeast of Reno, ending on the American Labor Day holiday in September. The event is described by organizers as an experiment in community, radical self-expression, and radical self-reliance[1] and takes its name from the ritual burning of a large wooden effigy on Saturday evening. The event is organized by Black Rock City, LLC, under the guidance of one of the founders, Larry Harvey, and five other members of the board, including Marian Goodell, Harley Dubois, Michael Michael, Will Roger Peterson, and Crimson Rose. In 2007, 47,366 people participated in The Burning Man Project. [2]
From Wikipedia


Yes Bob Bitchen, it is untrue.

LSD was invented by Sandoz Labs scientist Dr. Albert Hoffman in 1938 who was researching potential medicines. The CIA did conduct mind-control experiments in the 1950's, but these were parallel to the psychological, scientific and recreational use that was also happening during the same time.

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