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April 02, 2008



Is it.. just me, or does this look like somebody switched the mushrooms on the pizza? Is there really supposed to be any art in this or just an angry kid inside who didn't have a great medium to work with?


I only want to add a comment because this house is about a mile down the road from where I live. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to comment, because it really isn't relevant, but I just have to.... :)

Dan Scholnick

I though it said "Free Speedo" at first. Yuck!


I still have the neighborhood association's listserve thread for a very lively discussion surrounding that doll. It stand stands at the corner of North Druid Hills and Willivee Roads in Decatur, GA, just outside of Atlanta. The thread makes for very interesting reading. There were defenders and detractors, including a proposal for a march on the house with torches and pitchforks. I was in favor of donating old bathing suits so we'd have some variation in clothing.

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