stu·pid [stoo-pid, styoo-] –adjective
1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.
Stupidity is of course right up our alley; and, as they say, "It takes one to know one." Hence:
1. Anna, here's a tip: go back and finish the 6th grade.
(Photo by py0tr3).
2. Why?
(Photo by aperrypic).
3. Next to Bewar of Dog.
(Photo by espelina).
4. Monorail? Memorial? Memorail? Regardless, someone's train left the station a long time ago.
(Photo by Stephan Segraves).
5. Seek help.
(Photo by archigeek).
6. We can't spell either but, come on, that sign's been around for more than just a few days.
(Photo by Donna B. Cooper).
7. Spelling phonetically I get but bi-hide? Sounds like something Anne Heche might call her favorite leather jacket.
(Photo by heathercore).
8. Bad customer! Bad customer!
(Photo by juliebee).
9. Out of a garbage can is where I prefer to shop for shellfish.
(Photo by Adam Melancon).
10. So clowes but yet so far.
(Photo by mickaul).
some of these, i agree, are a bit on the stewpid side, but a couple seem more like the "author" speaks english (not very fluently) as a second language...anyway, apparently YOU feel INFINITELY superior, so i guess it's all good.
Posted by: mommy g | April 04, 2008 at 03:43 PM
Cute signs, however #3 does not show someone who can't spell...
It shows someone who's British.
Posted by: Ghost|BOFH | April 04, 2008 at 11:50 PM
I'd be willing to bet that many of these signs would be from people who may not have English as their first language or had access to a fully rounded education.
Posted by: n/a | April 05, 2008 at 10:59 AM
Some of these are stupid. Some are written by people who don't speak English and are doing their best to get by in the U.S.
Posted by: Ryan | April 05, 2008 at 12:33 PM
"I'd be willing to bet that many of these signs would be from people who may not have English as their first language or had access to a fully rounded education."
Right. Stupid.
Posted by: | April 05, 2008 at 12:35 PM
British people spell it 'private'.
Go fuck yourself.
Posted by: niggertits | April 05, 2008 at 12:39 PM
I like this blog very nice
Posted by: Iamanoyrounus | April 05, 2008 at 12:39 PM
a privit is a british hedge, he was making a joke.
take a chill pill.
Posted by: duh! | April 05, 2008 at 12:46 PM
That would be 'privet', stewpid.
Posted by: jh | April 05, 2008 at 12:50 PM
The thing about all this is that there are people out there who can't read or write (or not very well) and it's extremely embarrassing for them to seek help as an illiterate adult.
Some of them probably made some bad decisions and never learned. Some probably never leared due to medical conditions or teachers who just didnt give a shit.
But that doesn't make it any less funny really, does it.
Posted by: Jajayjay | April 05, 2008 at 12:53 PM
Yes, it's still funny. If we can't laugh at this, what can we laugh at?
Am I laughing at some poor immigrant (or illegal) 's plight? No. I'm laughing at a mistake they made.
The point is: It doesn't matter whether the person who wrote these was an immigrant, an illegal, a non-native English speaker, an uneducated redneck, a retarded person, or an intelligent person on a bad day; It's just funny. Get over it.
Posted by: Travis | April 05, 2008 at 01:13 PM
I laugh at the expense of others.
Posted by: HarHarHar | April 05, 2008 at 01:13 PM
Haha, that was one of the funnier posts out there.
Grea Work,
Posted by: Alex | Livingwish | April 05, 2008 at 01:23 PM
Some of these sound great - for example, the house keeper is definitely someone who I could manipulate into having non-pay intercourse with me whilst taking care of my house. The 'privit property' person seems like a ripe opportunity to engage in a land transaction contracct whereby I could unduly take advantage of him, accquiring a substantial portion of his property for a nominal fee. Etc.
Stupidity has its advantages when the stupid person is one the other side of the table. Keep that in mind. (Pun intended! haha!)
Posted by: Jangus T. Roloter | April 05, 2008 at 01:25 PM
Sometimes, people who don't speak correctly end up producing something very much like poetry. The laundromat in my 'hood has a great sign about how "employees help best." I'll try to follow up with the whole thing.
But not here.
Good post. Bad english. And it's one thing to laugh, and another thing to have antipathy. Let's all remember a laugh is just a laugh. Both those who think this may be in bad taste, and those who think its okay to dislike someone because you can laugh at them, like immigrants.
Posted by: No Speak English | April 05, 2008 at 01:32 PM
#6 isn't a spelling mistake, it's just a bad pun. Dis list iz dum.
Posted by: Spaceboy | April 05, 2008 at 01:46 PM
Ha ha ha. People misspelling things. That is precious. I could look at pictures of misspelled things all day. Makes me feel smart.
Posted by: Smarter than you | April 05, 2008 at 01:47 PM
#6 is an intentional pun.
We 'bye' used cars = sell them quickly (and/or: take them off your hands quickly). The word is set in larger type and on a slant to emphasize the wordplay.
Not the pinnacle of puns on the part of the car dealership, granted, but also obviously not a mistake attributable to illiteracy. Especially so since the sign has stood uncorrected that way for years according to the photographer.
That this was not obvious to any of the geniuses who posted above deriving joy at their intellectual superiority is worth the visit to this page alone.
Posted by: Daren | April 05, 2008 at 01:49 PM
I think #6 is actually a play on words: to "bye" your car is to say "bye" to it... It's actually quite clever.
Posted by: HG | April 05, 2008 at 01:55 PM
wow stupid post.... most of these are honest mistakes or most likely a foreign person, so who cares. Like I give a shit if someone forgot to put the "E" on the end of "private" lol.
Posted by: Seth | April 05, 2008 at 02:02 PM
agree with daren that #6 is intentional, but their use of "gratuitous" "quotation" "marks" gets them the "retarded" award anyway.
wait, I meant retarded, not "retarded".
Posted by: bored pedant | April 05, 2008 at 02:09 PM
I sure wish I got a photo of a rear-window painting that I saw on someone's car on the freeway...
"The more hair I loose, the more head I get."
I guess if it's not tight, you may have a problem there.
Posted by: CatsbyMoo | April 05, 2008 at 02:10 PM
Im sorry but the person who wrote this is the stupid one.
Posted by: codyp | April 05, 2008 at 02:16 PM
I don't get what is wrong with "Hot water may scold"?
Posted by: nick | April 05, 2008 at 02:31 PM
LOL, #6 is from Monroe, La.
Of course it's a pun, but I see the damn thing everyday and it irritates me. :)
Posted by: K | April 05, 2008 at 02:35 PM