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April 20, 2008



Bahaha, FIRST!
Twice in a row today.


OMG this is freaking hilarious!!
Is the bus supposed to say "fockers?"


Notice how none of those are in Britain? Damn, we're amazing.
Oh, and woot third


The 'Cabbages and Condoms' restaurant is in Bangkok, and it's a restaurant designed for tourists, with a high proportion of the proceeds going to combat the spread of AIDS in Thailand. You get a free condom instead of an after dinner mint, and there's also a shop with merchandise, all with a condom theme. Food's actually very good and reasonably priced - definitely visit if you're ever over that way!!

baco n

Lovejuice is english tard

Calum Clements

The Cabbages and Condom one is a fantastic restaurant and now a resort in Thailand.

It is a charity in Bangkok operated by a Scottish Dr. and works with and educate the poor and rural folk who moved to Bangkok a little wet around the ears with regards to STD's and other health issues. Thai folk call the rural people Cabbages as they grow the food and the Condom bit is self explanatory! If you are ever in Bangkok go have a look. A well worth it charity to support - and the condom tie is a great one to wear at work to raise a few eyebrows!


My girlfriend used to work at Lovejuice, it's a smoothie shop, and was amazing until it shut down of course!

The French Guy

We know what "titi twister" means since "From dusk till dawn".


And the PMS security one is British too, stop making us out to be better than we are, we can be twats too you know!


Lovejuice hasn't shut down, we've got one in West Quay :)
England rules :D


There's a Lovejuice in Birmingham too.

But Zumo > Lovejuice!! ^_^


the hand job centre is from London. looks like that brit isn't so perceptive


In reference to Bung Hole. You'd be surprised at how few people actually know that a bung hole is the hole in a barrel or drum containing liquid. I recently worked at a shop that dealt with drums of oil and fuel on a daily basis. My BOSS didn't know what I was talking about one day when I asked him for a bung. (It's the plug for a bung hole.) Had we been working in the beer, wine or whiskey industry, he probably would have known. To use it for the name of a liquor store is just plain genius. How can you forget the name of the store?


well stomach takeaways is doing good for a new takeaway, any advertisement is good, as said before its a memorable name and great food.


I don't get the "Bubba's Medicine Shop" caption; could someone please explain it?

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