It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and for purposes of this feature, in all our puerility, we're the beholders. We present then nine weird public art displays/exhibits that, in our lowly opinion, surprisingly don't suck.
1. Jane Alexander's Butcher Boys. Good for a nightmare or two.

(Photo by barbie in spyland).
2. Luckily for fans of the movie Alien, HR Giger had issues. From the HR Giger Museum in Gruyères, Switzerland:

(Photo by Republicanito).
According to the Museum: "It was Giger’s popular art book, Necronomicon, that caught the eye of director Ridley Scott as he was searching for the right look for a creature in his upcoming film. That creature, of course, turned out to be the Alien, and Giger’s masterful designs for the film of the same name garnered him a much-deserved Academy Award."