We at TheMishMash.com do care about matters other than buying fun stuff, the aberrant and the cheap laugh. We've gotta live and work in these United States too. And, yeah, we DO vote.
(Gratuitous 'Dolt of the Day' reference: "You're a dolt if you don't vote.")
To that end, to help you identify the 2008 presidential candidate most sharing your views, we've gathered seven of the best, and easiest-to-use, web tools for the job.
You'll be better informed.
1. At Politicalbase.com a voter can "build a customized grid of politicians
of [his/her] choosing and match them up on specific issues [and can,] alternatively, jump to a specific issue to see more detailed
information and stances from various politicians." The site also has a Who Should I Vote For For President in 2008 quiz. Helpful.
2. Not unexpectedly, the New York Times has created a concise Election Guide 2008 with the candidates' positions on the issues of abortion, health care, immigration, Iraq and climate change. There's also information regarding candidate finances . Good, substantive material.